
How to build strong habits with Tickdays

/ By Alex Coady
Tickdays can help you build healthy habits that support your long-term goals

Building small habits is an extremely powerful way to live the kind of life you want to. Whether you have specific goal in mind, such as losing some weight or quitting smoking, or if you just want to live a more healthy life - building habits will bring these behaviours to life in a way that will work in the long-term. They become second-nature and require much less effort than when starting out.

Create a habit

Habits in Tickdays represent the things you want to do in your life. Some examples of habits are:

  • Worked out
  • Went for a run
  • Tracked calories
  • Practised piano
  • Avoided smoking
  • Avoided alcohol
  • Socialised
  • Read my book
  • Meditated

Create habits that matter to you, you can also rearrange your habits so that the ones that are most important to you show at the top.

Check-in daily

Open Tickdays at the end of the day and tick off your Thing(s). If you check-in every day, you can track your mood against which habits you did. Tickdays is a guilt-free environment, it's totally okay if you didn't get as much done as you'd hoped - just tick off what you did and reflect on your day.

Turn on reminders

Tickdays can remind you of your habits at the start of the day, just enable notifications in the Settings part of the app.

Track your progress

Check out how you're getting on over time on the Insights tab. Over there you can see your last 7 days of check-ins, plus if you click into one of your habits you can see how many times you've done it, how you felt on days you did and didn't do it, plus some extra stats to look over and stay motivated.